Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Disney arrival and ownership. (It's mine..... No seriously you guys can't have it.)

So.... to put it bluntly......

Disneyland is my new future home.

You walk to the front gates, and the music of your childhood dreams fills your ears as you approach the first entrance, and once you step inside the beautiful lamps of light, and the beautiful Mickey mouse shaped flowers greets you like a long lost friend.

All the while I'm humming.

(Don't pay mind to the random people in the photo, they don't matter.)

The train honks, and the sweet smell of really old electronics baking in the sun for decades fills your soul, and you smile like there's no tomorrow. 

And while you're still smiling this song plays in your head.

You grab your siblings hand, and laugh in a crazy cackling kind of way, and sprint around the bend to witness the most gorgeous sight on planet earth.

You start tearing up, as you walk to the nearest store and worship the ground it stands upon.

You drool at the beautiful display of toys and trinkets, knowing that each is too ridiculously priced.

You gasp at the exotic assortments of vehicles that make you think you've stepped into the twenties.

Your heart stops, and you start to have a heart attack as you crawl past the Mary Poppins cafĂ© and lunch-in, where you know that you're going to force the whole family to eat at. 
(Which we did of course. It was called the Jolly Holiday like in the movie.) :D 

And finally, you pass out as your heart explodes when you walk underneath the castle, and your siblings get the responsibility of dragging you through the door.

Oh Disneyland. 

The place where dreams come true. :D

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Make a splash

I love rainy days.

“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” 

So don't waste your time.

-Joseph :D

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Old Love

Listening to the married life song from Up right now. 

Brings back a lot of memories.

Ever have that experience?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Candy Post

So, by looking at the post title, I'm sure you all concluded that this post was going to be about candy.... Well guess what.... You're wrong.... 

This post, is just some random post i've decided to add to the list of already existing random posts. 

So to keep up with its randomness I decided to start with a random list of random things. :D Thats a lot of random.

Random list of random things

Random fact 1: Did you know that Odontophobia is the fear of teeth?

Random fact 2: When you die, your hair still grows for a little while. (Gross right?) :)

Random fact 3: The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing their hands into jelly.


If none of that was random for you than try this random photo of a random act of kindness.
*gasp* Its so cute I can't stand it.....


Come back next time for another small rant on randomness.


Monday, August 17, 2015


So, on the second to last day that I was with my family in Utah, my sisters Michaelah and Hannah sang for us. And one of the songs Hannah sang is one of my absolute favorites. 

It's called breathe from in the heights, and to be totally honest, I balled like a baby when she sang it. 

This is the song. Just watch and listen to it, and tell me it doesn't make you a little sad just listening to it. 

The story behind it is that the girl singing, (Nina,) lives in the a small broken down village, and worked harder than anyone to achieve her dreams. She got great grades, and saved money to go to college.

She got accepted to Stanford, and tried to work two different jobs while doing classes at the same time, and ended up failing her classes, and now she is home, to face the people she knows, and her family.

It's a beautiful song.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Recently I had the most amazing experience, that can be summed up in one word. Utah.

I have been dying to visit my old home for months, and here, I had the opportunity to go for at least a couple of days before I was supposed too. 

I got to visit all of my old friends and listen to my sister give her farewell talk and prepare to leave to the MTC.

On the flight I sat in nervous anticipation. I was cramped up in a corner for most of both flights. But, I didn't mind. One: I got to travel with my mom, and Two: I was going to Utah when I wasn't necessarily supposed to go. So I just stared out the window, looking for the Utah horizon. The mountains rising in the distance.

We got in at around 2:00 am, and we spent the night at my grandparents house.

The next day I visited my cousins, and then my mother told me that she would drive me to pick up my friends so that we could do an awesome activity together, (which is awesome because she was supposed to be helping my sister Hannah, and she took time out of her day to support me, and my friends.)

We passed several places that I used to know growing up in Utah. Only though its been a year, its felt like twenty, and I was finally back home. 

Visiting with my friends was awesome. But, for some reason I felt as though I was faking my way through the day. I was smiling and being really perky for their sakes, when in reality I just wanted to hold each one of them and cry my heart out.

I sorta got my opportunity when my friends and I went to see inside out together. I cried and cried during the movie, and I couldn't have felt more at peace in the middle of all of my friends. the only thing that could've improved my trip was if Hyrum had been there. (My twin) 

Although there are some friends I wasn't able to see, and Im so sorry about that. It would've been SO great if I had been able to talk to every single one them. 

And, although I love my friends, I must say that I love my family so much more. And, this love couldn't have been more prominent for me, then when my sister Hannah gave her farewell talk.

I sat there and watched her as she spoke about her experiences about college and growing up. She talked about how much she failed, but how much she had learned, and I just sat there with tears streaming down my face, because I finally realized how amazing of a missionary she was going to be.

Im not worried about her at all. She is a natural at speaking with others.

However while she was speaking, I was surrounded with almost ALL of my family. We took up almost half of the ward sacrament room we were in.

I felt so at home. We talked after the sacrament meeting and I was able to talk to a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while. And I loved every minute of it.

When I had to leave, I had to say goodbye to my older siblings, and I just held my sisters Hannah, and Michaelah and just cried and cried.

I will never forget them, or the memories that we made together as a family. No matter how crazy annoying or idiotic it was. I still love them for it.

So thank you family. You made my year here bearable, and I cannot wait to see where we go in the future.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015



Isn't it amazing!


So, lets just take a second, and appreciate how fantabudazzilosticiously amazing clouds are.

If you haven't looked at clouds recently, your missing out.

Monday, July 6, 2015


So recently I've done a lot of thinking, (dangerous right?) And I have determined that my life, my existence is a mere distraction. My true life...... belongs in HARRY POTTER WORLD!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

YUP! This is my future. A train. With a flying car. Flying around it.

But, no seriously Harry Potter world was the coolest experience of my life. I walked through Hogsmead, drank Butterbeer, and best of all, went through the hogwarts castle. (IT WAS SERIOUSLY EPIC!!!!!!)

So I've determined that that is where my destiny lives. My existence in Mass. has just been a distraction of my true destiny. *Taking a moment to clap for myself*

I guess you could say not everything about Harry Potter world is fantabulous. But its okay, because 

Yeah maybe I'm a bit odd.
*Sniffling* (Luna, your my favorite.) :D

But yeah! Its not like

THIS! is my future. (IM better than that. No offense Umbridge) 

So now that you know my entire future, Im gonna have to ask you to keep it a secr- , ( SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHHHH)

You can't tell a soul...... Capish?

get it, got it, good.

Thursday, June 18, 2015




Do you ever get that moment in life where nothing makes sense? Where right and wrong seemed to be so entwined that, sometimes you just can't tell which from which?

As of late, that's what life consists of for me. My life is passing by in a blur. Decisions, thoughts, and feelings seem insignificant. I try to get past each day, and do my best to stay out of trouble, but I always feel as if I'll never amount to what everyone expects from me.

I guess the only thing TO do is to stay positive, and trust that somehow I will found out how I influence people here, and what my divine purpose for being here is.

I guess at this moment, I should thank everyone who has supported me. But, to be honest, I think the people who most deserve this shoutout, are the people here in Mass. who listen to me, and my complaints day after day. I know that I can be extremely irritating, and tend to seem like I don't care, but making the most of living here is what I'm striving for.

So, I hope I haven't offended anyone for living :) .

Thursday, May 21, 2015


*Sniffle* *Sniffle* *Tears* *Wailing screams* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

*throwing objects* *shattering windows* *Stopping to be distracted by a bird* *emotional breakdown* *Listening to tailor swift music when she was actually good* *watching disney movies, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again*  *numb silence*.................................... *Just remembering*....................................


        .............................................. yup....... thats me.................................................


So most of you are probably wondering the about the name of my blog. It's not that inspired. I chose the name simply because I love the memories of picking gross apples out of orchard fields with spiders EVERYWHERE!!!! Or picking apricots literally off of the apricot tree.

yup..... That was my childhood. (To be totally honest, it was pretty fantabulous)

Friday, May 15, 2015

That wasn't my actual post..... I mean... I meant it, but that isn't what I was trying to get across..... Lately I've been able to have the opportunity to be in a play of a friend of ours named Shawn Cannon.  (that's her maiden name, but that is the name of the theatre so.... yeah,) It's pretty cool. I'm the prince's cousin, and I get to wear the absolutely most cool outfits every, and my fair is absolutely INSANE!!!!! 

So.... I would like to thank Shawn for giving me this opportunity, but I would also like to take this moment to thank metabolism....  Metabolism? Thank you for always being there for me. Especially in a time of crisis, when I solve all my problems with eating like a mad man.

Every day Metabolism.... Every day. :)


......................................... I had six ice cream sandwiches yesterday.................. They were fantastic...........

Monday, May 11, 2015

Movies these days...

So I watched the theory of everything two days ago with my familia, and it was REALLY SAD! It was a great documentary on someones life, but the relationship between him and his wife, and just all the sorrow they had to go through its just..... UGH! So hard. Here.... Just looking at his face

I mean... Just look at that face!!! How could anyone look at that, and instantly think of every painful thing he is going to have to go through. *shaking head.* I just cannot believe movies, and tv shows these days. It was almost as bad as saving Mr. Banks.

I just.... I just can't! *SOBBING* WHY!????!!!!! WHY!!!?!?? WHY!? ARE THEY SO GOOD BUT SO SAD!!!!!!?????

On top of all of this I have talking with my fiends form Utah, and I cannot wait to visit this year. LOVING ALL OF YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!! :)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Unconditional love

Have you ever liked someone, but you know that it is absolutely futile because they are never going to like you back? I hate that. :( On the upside! It means I can treat myself to tons of ICE CREAM!!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Old love

So today my blog is going to be really short. I should have added more to it more recently but, I have had a lot going on and have been contemplating a lot of things that have been going on in my life recently. Today, I got into a really heated, (determine that as you will,) discussion with some friends of mine at school over some certain principles that, 'Us Mormons' believe in.
It was fun getting to explain to them certain principles that we believe in, and I hope that a lot of them were actually interested and continue to learn about it, if they want to.
But, aside from that, I am today for young mens, going to go play board games with a bunch of old people at a center. AND I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED!!!!! They are going to destroy me at everything, (because lets face it all old people are good at stuff like that,) wish me luck!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

MY. Carwash.

After moving to Massachusetts, its been hard getting to know people, and even harder to having to let people I knew in Utah go, (meaning I need to be living here, and not have my heart still trapped in Utah.) So far it's been really hard, and to tell you the truth...... I really don't want to......

I was sitting in our car today on the way back from church, and remembered a memory of mine from when I was little. We used to have a huge fifteen seater van, and LOVED to go through the car wash on it. My siblings and I would always be excited to sit right next to the windows so we got a full view of the experience.

This is roughly the shape, and color of our old car.

I remember the thrill of watching the stranger write a random number on our windshield with some sort of white chalk marker, (It literally the coolest magic thing I have ever seen,) and bouncing off of the walls of our car. As approached the tunnel where we would enter a wet wonderland, some guys with water hoses off to the side prepared to launch an attack, and sprayed our car with water. 

As we entered the tunnel, the lights dimmed, and we couldn't see super well. Then we went through a series of awesome different cleaning machines, (or magical water creatures as we saw it.)
We went through the different multi-colored legs of the Octopus, and the fury swipes of the shells. But, the funnest part of the trip was getting the car sprayed by Octopus ink. (Multi-colored soap.)

The different colors splattered against our windshield, and we all immediately started to sniff the windows. (Long ago we had been convinced that the soap smelled like candy, and always tried to get that sweet smell again.) 

Convincing ourselves that we had officially smelled it again, we continued through the wash, and loved the dry off part at the end.

These small moments, and many others are what made our time in Utah worth while, and I will always have these memories to look back on and to remember. I cannot wait to get back there, and see my family, and all of my friends again. I love you Utah, don't forget about me or my family.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

My Glass Lighthouse

So in the process of leaving Utah, and moving away to Massachusetts, I acquired a few things traveling through Idaho, and staying with my cousins for a few days. One of which was my glass lighthouse.

My beautiful lighthouse is just another example to me of how beautiful this world is, and what god can do. I imagine it must have been incredibly difficult to make this, and I just hope that the creator, (whoever it was,) is proud of there work. Because I love it.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Strange Cravings

I've always felt like Lemons were the best fruit, but lately I have been contemplating Pomegranates again. I remember a time when Ashley Zundel, (LOVE YOU BY THE WAY,) brought me a lemon, and pomegranate just because I had the strangest cravings for them. She brought both of them and I didn't take any spare time waiting to thank her.

They. Were. Amazing.

Thanks again Ashley, you made that play practice bearable.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Boring Days

Today was literally the worst school day all year. After I realized that I had stayed up to eleven o'clock the previous night before, just to finish a math project I did incorrectly, I went to World Studies, (english and history combined,) and my teacher totally spoiled the book that we are reading in our lit. circles. *sigh* maybe I'm just being paranoid. But, IT. WAS. AWFUL.

But, despite the fact that I had a bad day, my parents were still in the best mood i've ever seen them. And by that I mean, they basically stressed out all day as the kids were screaming, running around, being disrespectful, not doing our homework, and yelling at each other over dinner...... Yup..... I don't know how my parents do it. But somehow they always manage..... They're fabulous.

I'm currently watching, 'Life with Boys,' and i've currently decided that family life, is better than any other life I could ever want. SO that is why today, I would like to give MY family a shout out. Without them I couldn't have made it through our crazy life, and boring school days like today, for example. LOVE YOU FAMILIA!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My wacky weekends


Today was pretty much an average day. Started off with me making my bed, saying my morning prayers, and then, like all normal teenagers, getting ready for school at six o'clock. Sounds pretty boring, huh? YEP! That summarizes my morning.

After getting to school I was sitting with a group of friends and discovered that not only was our French teacher Mr. Kane, missing and has been missing from the school for two weeks now, but also that our school has a basement, and that in the cement basement, there is a vaulted door, and inside the vaulted door, is............................................................................................................ A bomb shelter.     

SO! After talking with my friends and saying the randomest things, like the fact that I know that this famous singer can speak fluent Japanese, the fact that we are all Chinese racists, and that Emma Kinney can speak fluent english.... sometimes.... 

After going slightly insane in that class, I went to Biology. There I sit next to a girl named Britney....... Britney has depression...... There I determined that Mr. Kane had been kidnapped by the evil Janitors of the school, and had dragged him to the basement, (which is in the Janitor's closet,) and locked him in there, because last summer when e had taken some of the students to France on tour, he took them somewhere he shouldn't........ So that was my scenario....... 

Some people think that he was just suspended from teaching.... But I don't believe it...... I hope you liked my update! Oh and by the way, I invited Brit to Wednesday youth activities, and she has come TWICE!!!! Im so happy!!!!!! I hope the spirit will guide her the way she needs to go. Until then, this is me, a cookie dough, book reader, crazy for love sick drama, Teenage boy.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


So.... This is it. It's just you and me..... Well..... and your computer. And your sibling, or friend, or parent, or some sort of relative, or someone who you've known since the second grade, who you shared seats with, and annoyed by throwing wood chips at.

Needless to say, if your not sitting by someone you know I would be surprised. That means you got on here by YOURSELF! With no motivation at all. (Unless you decided to browse the web out of boredom,) that is what I call commitment.

So I decided to start this blog in hopes that I can reach out to others. My friends, family, and hopefully anybody out there who is just willing to listen.

I'm here because YOU are the one looking for answers. And who knows? Maybe you'll find just that on here.

You know despite what everyone says, my family isn't perfect. When someone thinks of the Thompson they think, 'Oh, you mean that wonderful, smiling, family who serves everyone and completely treats everyone fairly.' 

 And I'm just like, HUH!? That is not my family. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, and every year I realize just how much more they mean to me, but we are far from perfect, and I want to shout out to my mom, because that is someone with devotion if ever i've seen one. She works harder then anyone I know, everyday without fail. And her only goal is to make us happy, and I am going to try my hardest to give her all the support she can get. I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!!

Now despite the fact that my family isn't perfect, we still have a blast a lot of the time. Granted we can be, sarcastic, and not always the best influences. But we love each other, and for me, that's all i'll ever need.