Monday, January 4, 2016


Winds in the east.

The mist coming in.

Like something is brewing.

About to begin.

Can't put a finger on what lies in store.

But I feel what's to happen,

Already happened, before.

I just watched Saving Mr. Banks with my friend Emma, and unbeknownst to her, (because she left five minutes before it was over,) I balled my eyes out. Movies like that do that to me.

I just wanted to let the people of Littleton who are now going to attention the Acton ward now, that I applaud them for the bravery. And to the people who will remain in Littleton, I applaud you on your courage for letting them go.

Change isn't easy. It never is. But, that doesn't mean it's impossible.

Mary Poppins was all about the impossible.

I hope you all have a wonderful new year. And comment some of your goals! I'd love to hear about them!


  1. I have a goal this year to go on a date at least once a month. Hopefully, it will work out better than it did last year.

  2. Awesome! I hope it goes well! :D
