Friday, August 14, 2015


Recently I had the most amazing experience, that can be summed up in one word. Utah.

I have been dying to visit my old home for months, and here, I had the opportunity to go for at least a couple of days before I was supposed too. 

I got to visit all of my old friends and listen to my sister give her farewell talk and prepare to leave to the MTC.

On the flight I sat in nervous anticipation. I was cramped up in a corner for most of both flights. But, I didn't mind. One: I got to travel with my mom, and Two: I was going to Utah when I wasn't necessarily supposed to go. So I just stared out the window, looking for the Utah horizon. The mountains rising in the distance.

We got in at around 2:00 am, and we spent the night at my grandparents house.

The next day I visited my cousins, and then my mother told me that she would drive me to pick up my friends so that we could do an awesome activity together, (which is awesome because she was supposed to be helping my sister Hannah, and she took time out of her day to support me, and my friends.)

We passed several places that I used to know growing up in Utah. Only though its been a year, its felt like twenty, and I was finally back home. 

Visiting with my friends was awesome. But, for some reason I felt as though I was faking my way through the day. I was smiling and being really perky for their sakes, when in reality I just wanted to hold each one of them and cry my heart out.

I sorta got my opportunity when my friends and I went to see inside out together. I cried and cried during the movie, and I couldn't have felt more at peace in the middle of all of my friends. the only thing that could've improved my trip was if Hyrum had been there. (My twin) 

Although there are some friends I wasn't able to see, and Im so sorry about that. It would've been SO great if I had been able to talk to every single one them. 

And, although I love my friends, I must say that I love my family so much more. And, this love couldn't have been more prominent for me, then when my sister Hannah gave her farewell talk.

I sat there and watched her as she spoke about her experiences about college and growing up. She talked about how much she failed, but how much she had learned, and I just sat there with tears streaming down my face, because I finally realized how amazing of a missionary she was going to be.

Im not worried about her at all. She is a natural at speaking with others.

However while she was speaking, I was surrounded with almost ALL of my family. We took up almost half of the ward sacrament room we were in.

I felt so at home. We talked after the sacrament meeting and I was able to talk to a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while. And I loved every minute of it.

When I had to leave, I had to say goodbye to my older siblings, and I just held my sisters Hannah, and Michaelah and just cried and cried.

I will never forget them, or the memories that we made together as a family. No matter how crazy annoying or idiotic it was. I still love them for it.

So thank you family. You made my year here bearable, and I cannot wait to see where we go in the future.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautifully written Jose, you have a gift! It was a privilege to spend some time with you and your dear friends. Love you.
