Sunday, March 15, 2015

MY. Carwash.

After moving to Massachusetts, its been hard getting to know people, and even harder to having to let people I knew in Utah go, (meaning I need to be living here, and not have my heart still trapped in Utah.) So far it's been really hard, and to tell you the truth...... I really don't want to......

I was sitting in our car today on the way back from church, and remembered a memory of mine from when I was little. We used to have a huge fifteen seater van, and LOVED to go through the car wash on it. My siblings and I would always be excited to sit right next to the windows so we got a full view of the experience.

This is roughly the shape, and color of our old car.

I remember the thrill of watching the stranger write a random number on our windshield with some sort of white chalk marker, (It literally the coolest magic thing I have ever seen,) and bouncing off of the walls of our car. As approached the tunnel where we would enter a wet wonderland, some guys with water hoses off to the side prepared to launch an attack, and sprayed our car with water. 

As we entered the tunnel, the lights dimmed, and we couldn't see super well. Then we went through a series of awesome different cleaning machines, (or magical water creatures as we saw it.)
We went through the different multi-colored legs of the Octopus, and the fury swipes of the shells. But, the funnest part of the trip was getting the car sprayed by Octopus ink. (Multi-colored soap.)

The different colors splattered against our windshield, and we all immediately started to sniff the windows. (Long ago we had been convinced that the soap smelled like candy, and always tried to get that sweet smell again.) 

Convincing ourselves that we had officially smelled it again, we continued through the wash, and loved the dry off part at the end.

These small moments, and many others are what made our time in Utah worth while, and I will always have these memories to look back on and to remember. I cannot wait to get back there, and see my family, and all of my friends again. I love you Utah, don't forget about me or my family.


  1. Aw cute! It really is those little moments that make everything worth it :)

  2. What a hillarious experience during a car wash session! Hahaha! I remember mine when I first experienced it. I looked so pale after the magical water creatures got to me. Hahaha! In any way, thanks for giving me amusement while I was reading your post, Joseph! Kudos and all the best to you!

    Harvey Hamilton @ All Season Valeters
